Recent Haul

I did well for a little while and managed to avoid buying new games as I was saving myself for Fifa 17. But then the temptation took over and I got birthday money.

Luckily all these games have all come out of my birthday money so I feel like I have got these as presents instead of spending unnecessary money on them.

First off I ended up on the Game website where I noticed a select few preowned games were only 2 for £10. Luckily for me I had wanted to try Titanfall for a while so I had to pick up this. As part of the deal I also got Killzone just to give it a try.

Next up was Doom, I managed to get this for only £24.99 which to me felt like a bargain. I have wanted this game for ages so at this price I couldn't leave it behind.

I then ended up in Argos where I saw that Dragonball was only £19.99 this game had been on my list for a very long time so there was no chance this was getting left behind. I also managed to get the Borderlands collection for  £16.99. To be honest I haven't really given Borderlands much time in the past but now I can't wait to get started on it.

So there you have it that is what I have recently bought. Do you have any recommendations? If so let me know in the comments below or over on twitter.

Feel free to contact me any time I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me on,

Email :

Twitter: NorthGirlGames

Instagram:  thenortherngirl

Facebook : TNG Games

See you later,


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