So today FIFA 20 ultimate edition comes out, I may get this edition (check Twitter to see if I got it) or I may wait until Friday to pick up the standard edition. Either way it is definitely being purchased this week, I always aim to get it on release day and this year is no different. So why am I writing this post?
Well as you will have noticed so far this year there has been quite a bit of FIFA content on my blog, there is only going to be more. I will be doing the weekly FUT squad battle pack openings that I have been doing already as I aim to play the game a lot more. 19 was my first time play FUT and I became hooked.
Alongside this I will be starting a manager mode that I hope to record for YouTube so if anyone can help me learn the basis of recording from a PS4 that would be brilliant. This is something I have wanted to do for a while but am only just getting around to sorting out now.
I will also be spending time trying out different modes and putting up little reviews on each one. There will be FIFA content every week, definitely 1 post and if not more... pack openings etc.
If you want to see anything specific please let me know. Just send me a message on Twitter, Facebook or leave a comment below.
It seems like I have waited a long time for this game and I can't wait.
See you soon,