How is it the weekend again already? And more importantly how are we already half way through November? The end of the year is certainly fast approaching and I feel like nothing has been achieved but less of that and on to the weekends gaming plans. It is safe to say gaming hasn't been a priority this year however, we have a rare weekend where not much is planned other than a trip to the Manchester derby on Sunday, which is a later kick off which gives us some time to sit and game before heading over to Manchester. Obviously we have the usual jobs of cleaning and I have a bit of stuff to do for the blogs however, this weekend we will certainly be sitting down to play some games and here is what we are hoping to play...
The only game I have played recently is actually EA Sports FC as I try to build a female Ultimate Team, I have had no time to play this week so I am determined to get a few games in before the end of the weekend. Me and Liam are also planning a bit of a gaming night for Friday so we will be sitting down and making a start on Sackboy: A Big Adventure, this is something we have been wanting to start for a while but we haven't got around to it just yet, let's hope that Friday night leads to some good progress through it and no doubt we will jump in and out of it through the rest of the weekend too. If I get chance I would also love to make a start on Hogwarts Legacy as that has just been sat waiting for me since September and I can't wait to get started on it. Let's just hope I can get all the content and jobs around the house sorted as soon as possible so I can have plenty of time to sit and make my way through the games.
Lucy obviously mentioned that we are going to be playing Sackboy: A Big Adventure together which should be fun as we don't usually play many games together, I just hope we can make some good progress and not argue whilst playing it. When I am not playing Sackboy though I will be sticking to the usual picks for me, Football Manager will definitely be being played as I am making good progress with my team on there and I will also be playing World of Warcraft once Lucy and the dog are in bed as I am still enjoying playing that.
So there you go that is what we are hoping to sit and play this weekend. Saturday is going to be the day of getting jobs done but with two of us at it we should get the jobs wrapped up in good timing to allow us more time to game. Fingers crossed it all goes to plan and who knows we might end up hooked on Sackboy and play nothing but that.
What are you playing this weekend?