August 2024 games to complete

Right it is safe to say no gaming took place in July once again but this time it was due to a potentially broken finger stopping me from holding onto the controller. There was also the added fact of the month being absolutely chaotic with housework & football. I am going into August much more prepared though as I am starting to block time out to be able to sit and game rather than being busy all day and heading straight to bed. I really do need that downtime now though as I am getting a bit worn out with my brain constantly on overdrive, plus I want to be able to create more content for here too as the ideas are just growing and I want this site to be a priority going forward. So with that being said here are the games I am hoping to complete in August...

DC League of Superpets : The Adventures of Krypto & Ace

I started this ages ago and am probably half an hour or so away from completing it so maybe it is time to finally roll the credits on it. This game is super easy and super chilled so I think I can easily get this wrapped up over the first weekend of the month to really get the ball rolling in terms of gaming again.

Super Mario 3D World

If I remember right I had 1 star to collect to move onto the next world on this game and it was frustrating me so I put it down months ago and never went back to it. I am determined to get back into playing the Switch more so I am going to aim to use plenty of time in August to sit down with the Switch and make my way through Super Mario 3D World, who knows I might even work through Bowser's Fury if I get the chance too.

The Void Rains Upon Her Heart

Liam is going to be spending a lot of time of his PC in August so I can finally pinch the Steamdeck for a bit. The plan is to roll the credits on The Void Rains Upon Her Heart, a game that has been in my backlog for far too long. This game should only take an hour or so to complete so there really is no excuse for keeping on putting it off. I will make it my mission to get it the credits rolled in August.

Untitled Goose Game

Once DC Superpets is wrapped up I will be moving onto working my way through Untitled Goose Game. This is a game I have wanted to sit and play for so long so I am going to use August as the prime time to get through it. The plan is to get this game wrapped up early in the month too as it is only a pretty short game but should be pretty funny too.


If all goes to plan I am hoping I can wrap up a lot of PlayStation games throughout August. The previous games mentioned are only short so I should fly through them and then move onto Lake. This is a game I have heard mixed reviews about but I have been wanting to play for a long time. This is a bit longer than other games on the list but I think it will be nice and relaxing to play.

Sackboy A Big Adventure

I am really hoping that in August me & Liam can find some time to sit and play some games together as I am honestly missing playing Sackboy. We have barely got started on this however, when we were playing it together we were really enjoying it. I am hopeful that we will be able to get through plenty of this game and maybe even roll the credits on it if all goes to plan throughout the month.

So there we have it those are the games I am hoping to play throughout August. If all goes to plan and I get through all these games I will be so close to my target of 10 games complete for the year. With the list of games I am wanting to purchase too I need to start getting games out of the backlog.

Now let's see how many of this list gets completed in the month...

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