I have been lucky enough for Liam to get me some amazing soft toys over the years and these 3 are up there on the list of the best. He knows how much I want to get into WoW but he also shows me them on the Blizzard store and I find them so cute.
Each one is amazing quality, I have had all these for quite a while now and they are still super clean and super soft. When you get the soft toy thy come in a great dust protector bag (which I now use as a pencil case). Shipping has always been a short period of time even though it comes from America and at between $18 and $25 I don't really think you can go wrong with these softy toys. I have so many more on my wishlist. So here are the ones I currently have.
Above is the Lil' Chen Pandaren, this one was given to me as a surprise after I kept tagging Liam in pictures of it. It is now also on special offer on the Blizzard store.
Next up is the Lil' Murk-Eye Murloc. If I remember correctly I got this because Liam got Lurky and I threatened to take Lurky home so he got me my own.
So there you have it those are my World of Warcraft soft toys. There are so many more I am wanting to add to my collection. Head over to the Blizzard store for more info on any of the products, you never know you may end up buying one yourself.
Feel free to contact me any time I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me on,
Email : northerngirlgames@gmail.com
Twitter: NorthGirlGames
Instagram: thenortherngirl
Facebook : TNG Games
See you later,