I bought this game what seems like forever ago however it was only last month whilst on holiday I decided to actually give it a go. My 3DS is a console I easily forget about and can go ages without picking up, but all that weekend I was desperate to play this game. I came home from the pub had an hour on it then went to sleep. I woke up had an hour on it and then actually got ready to go out. I can honestly say I haven't felt like that about a 3DS game for ages.
Fantasy life is such a relaxing game to play. The quests aren't too easy but are definitely not too challenging either. The graphics are great quality too making the game much more enjoyable for me. So far the character interaction is also great and I can't wait to play more. I honestly think I spent a little too long on the character creation but it was such great fun. Story mode has you interested however you also get the opportunity to go off and explore on your own, you can also pick up character quests just from interacting with people you bump into the best part about these is you can also decline these. By helping your little butterfly companion you can also gain bliss points in which you can gain great extras such as cute pets.
I am honestly loving this wait and can't wait to clock up more and more hours on this. I would seriously recommend this to anyone who likes casual gaming and relaxing games.
Have you played Fantasy life? What do you think?
Feel free to contact me any time I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me on,
Email : northerngirlgames@gmail.com
Twitter: NorthGirlGames
Instagram: thenortherngirl
Facebook : TNG Games
See you later,