This week #2

This week has flown for me. It doesn't feel two minutes since it was Halloween and now we are counting down for Christmas. I have literally just got back from a small pub crawl for my uncle's birthday. This was perfect due to spending time with the family. Next week I am determined to loose a little weight because my eating this week has been terrible. I have also barely done anything after work as I have been trying to clear my room ready for Christmas and so I can finally clear the loft ready for my games room.

This week I have.

Been watching : As I have just said above most of my time has been spent cleaning however I have watched the odd couple of football matches.

Been reading : I haven't read anything lately but I really do need to start again.

Been playing : This has also been put on the back burner for cleaning so unfortunately I haven't played anything.

Been listening to : Whilst cleaning I have been blasting Shura and Tegan and Sara as usual.

Bought : Once again I have gone and bought more hair products and even a barbershop scented Yankee candle.

So there you have it that's my week. How has your week been?

Feel free to contact me any time I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me on,

Email :

Twitter: NorthGirlGames

Instagram:  thenortherngirl

Facebook : TNG Games

See you later,


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