Well May was definitely a good month. It was full of trying new things and going on a few great days out.
20th of May saw my first trip to Wembley (unfortunately we lost) then last weekend I went to see my first rugby match in years. However on to the best stuff here is what I have been loving.
Games wise I have started to play Heros of the storm and I am loving it more than I thought I would, it is quite different to what I would normally play. On the Xbox majority of my time has gone into playing WWE 2K17 and I am hooked, I had not played a wrestling game in ages so it has surprised me how much I have got into it.
I have also loved getting back into watching wrestling this month, I subscribed to the WWE network early on in May and honestly I think other than football it is all I have watched.
So there you have it those are just a few things I loved last month. What have you been loving?
See you later,
Feel free to contact me any time I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me on:
Email : northerngirlgames@gmail.com
Twitter: NorthGirlGames
Instagram: thenortherngirl
Facebook : TNG Games