I was hesitant at first with the whole X-Gamer however I am so glad I got some to try. I will be posting about each flavour they do and today we are starting with the Bluenitro.
The vibrant colour of the drink just adds to it, it genuinely looked to me like those nitro charge indicators in games. As for the taste well I wasn't too sure what to expect. I took my first sip and couldn't wait for the next. To me it tastes like a melted blush slushie aka my favourite drink ever so as you can probably guess I will be buying more of this in the future.
As the for effects it had on me after just 1 drink I couldn't possibly do a full comment. However there will be an overall post on these. I did notice I was getting a few more kills in Overwatch but I aren't sure if that was coincidence.
Keep your eyes out for what I think about Zomberry as that is what I will be trying next.
You can purchase the drinks from www.x-gamer.co.uk have you tried them before let me know in the comments below?
See you later,
Feel free to contact me any time I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me on:
Email : northerngirlgames@gmail.com
Twitter: NorthGirlGames
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