I haven't done one of these wishlist posts in a while, I believe July was the last one I did. I always go out shopping and end up buying what I really don't need instead of the items I have been after for a long time. However I am hoping that if I do these posts with a few items each month, I will remember what it is I am after and help me stop wasting my money. With Christmas coming up I am putting myself on a bit of a ban in regards to what i do and don't buy because honestly my family could have got me anything so I am going to hold off on most this I want until after Christmas day. But here are a few things I am hoping to get.
I mentioned this back in my July wishlist, I would love to be able to play games with Liam and my dad but unfortunately with the PS4 I still only have one controller. I can't believe I forgot to look on black Friday for an extra controller but hopefully I will have one by the end of December. I think I will be going for the red controller as it will then be the same as my Xbox one.
This type of case was also in my July wishlist but again I haven't got it just yet. To be honest I had completely forgotten about it but I really wish I hadn't. Currently my room is full of memory cards, USB sticks and wires, half of which I put in such a safe place it has all gone missing now. I really need to find them and put them into a safe place, a case like this is just the answer. It also makes transporting things to Liams so I can blog whilst there a whole lot easier.
I loved WWE 2K17 and seeing Seth on the cover on WWE 2K18 has made me want this years version so much more. There are apparently a few more new features on 2K18 that I can't wait to get stuck into. I think this one may also be getting purchased on the PS4 as it seems to be the console I am playing on most at the moment.
So those are the 3 things I am hoping to get my hands on at the moment. Is there anything you are after this month? Let me know.
See you soon
TNG Games