At long last we have got the games room done, I will be featuring a tour on this very soon but let me tell you this has taken so long to get looking how we wanted it. Luckily Liam is pretty easy going and wasn't getting stressed by it but I am the total opposite so I am sure he is happy that is out of the way. It is so nice now it is done and with Christmas coming up it means we can focus on other areas and actually getting gifts for people. Having this room done also means there isn't much left for us to do in the house which is brilliant. So here is what I had...
Been Watching: YouTube has been on constantly my favourite videos to watch lately have been ones about gaming setups and tech. These sort of videos are really giving me inspiration for the games room and house.
Been reading : With all the jobs being done and me not been well all week I haven't even had chance to do any reading.
Been Playing: With all the jobs been done I hadn't really had time to game, I have had a few Fifa matches and that is about it. I have however had chance to download a few games so keep an eye out for those possibly featuring on here.
Been listening to : I caved and begun listening to Christmas music, the main thing I have listened to though is Tegan and Sara.
Bought : We got a fair bit this week I finally managed to get my Tracer pop and a few other bits whilst in Leeds. We also picked up a few bits to tech out the games room. We got the Phillips Hue starter kit, a Google Home mini and finally some LED strips.
Plans for this week : Now the games room is done I am hoping to have a week of relaxing before starting on the spare room. I want to get my games room tour up on here now the room is done plus I want to get plenty more content on here including some reviews I am working on.
Last weeks posts : I had a really rubbish week in regards to the blog and didn't actually get any new posts up but that will all be changing this week.
So there you have it that was my week. What have you guys been up to?
See you soon,