Another weekend is fast approaching and our plans have changed. We were meant to be going to the football but the game has been rearranged which means a free weekend for us. Luckily I don't have much to do so I am hoping to get plenty of gaming done and maybe even tick another game off as completed in my backlog. I wanted to complete 10 games this year and I am getting closer to that goal so lets hope this weekend we can make plenty of progress and get closer to that goal. So here is what me and Liam are hoping to play this weekend.
I managed to get Tales from the Borderlands completed last week, so now I have moved on to the next game that I want to finish before the end of the year. Liam has definitely hyped Destroy All Humans up so it is time to finally sit down and play this. Who knows I might get it complete thanks to the Christmas break. I am also hoping to spend a bit more time with Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom on the Switch too as I would love to get that finished before the end of the year too. Unfortunately my joy cons started to drift so I gave up on this but maybe it is time to head back and even possibly pick up a wireless controller for it. Fingers crossed I can also get a few games off FIFA played too if the update is finally installed... it is taking forever.
I will be doing my usual of spending the majority of the weekend playing World of Warcraft but if I get chance I will also be jumping on Destroy All Humans to see if it is as good as I remember.
So there you go it is a busy weekend of gaming for us what are you playing continuing through a game you have been playing for a while or starting something new?