This week just seems to have disappeared in the blink of an eye and we are already at the weekend. It is another weekend in lockdown here in the UK so with nothing else to do the weekend for me and Liam it is once again a gaming weekend. With the new addition added to the games room it is bound to be a fun gaming weekend for us both so here is what we will be playing.
I am still making my way through Maneater and honestly I can't make my mind up on the game at all one minute I am loving it and the next I really can't be bothered, I am hoping that this weekend I can get close to the end of this and get it out of the backlog. I am also continuing with Spongebob Battle For Bikini Bottom on the Switch, this is taking me a while to get through thanks to those Joy Cons drifting but I am slowly making a bit of progress. With us picking up the Xbox Series X I will also be spending some time on that too, with Gears of War ultimate installed currently I will be making a start on that as it has been sat on my shelf for far too long. I have been looking at the 3 months of Gamepass for £1 too so I might sign up to that to see what it has to offer.
I will be on World of Warcraft this weekend as usual but I will also be playing a bit more of Shadow of War on the PC as I have been enjoying that this week. I am also hoping the Red Dead Redemption 2 will be installed so I can make a start on that too as it has been sat on the shelf for far too long.
So that is what we are playing this weekend, what are you playing?