How it has already been 6 months since we managed to get an Xbox Series X I really don't know as this year is flying by in the blink of an eye. Things have really picked up pace for me this year which granted has been great as a bit of normality has returned however, I have been struggling to juggle everything and find the right balance so I actually have time to sit and play games. Due to being unable to juggle my time correctly unfortunately gaming has been on the back burner lately and the consoles have been neglected and when I have gamed the PlayStation has been a go to as my backlog for those consoles is massive. So unfortunately the Xbox has been seriously neglected and I am actually quite annoyed at myself for this as the console has been fantastic when I have used it, I am hoping it won't be neglected for much longer though as there are some games I really want to complete as soon as possible.
Although I haven't played on the console much when I have played on it I have really enjoyed it and one of the main reasons is due to the controller surprisingly. I have never liked the Xbox controllers in the past as I felt like they didn't feel right in my hand however, with the bit of added grip on the back of this one it feels much better plus I feel like the triggers have really improved too which is definitely a huge benefit. Then there is also the new and improved D Pad which again just feels so much better than previous and using it is actually easier and more comfortable. Fingers crossed I can design my own controller in the Design Lab soon too as I would love to build up a little controller collection and have a specific TNGGames one for myself, I just need to make sure I don't spend an absolute fortune on controllers which could very easily done.
I am loving how I have had literally no issues with this console yet either, our Xbox One was a nightmare and it would crash, not read disk and so much more so I couldn't actually have gaming sessions on it as often it wouldn't even load a game in the first place. At least now with the Series X I can play plenty with no disruption which is hopefully going to mean I get through my Xbox backlog much quicker, when I finally have a bit more free time for gaming. I have also noticed it is quite a lot faster in terms of download and install speed which again means I can play a lot more as I aren't forever sat around waiting for updates and downloads and can actually sit and game for a whole lot longer, I think that the Xbox actually beats the PS5 in terms of install etc for me as it just seems a lot quicker.
It isn't just in terms of the download and install that the console seems faster in though as it just feels a whole lot faster in general. Whether it is loading times or just moving through the interface response times feel so much better. I hate sitting around for things to load so this is more than ideal for me as there is less waiting time and I can actually just get on with things. Liam has actually been playing Borderlands 3 on the console and the load times have been amazing. There is very little noise that actually comes from the console too which after dealing with a PS4 and Xbox One for so long is fantastic as I can actually have the TV at a normal volume which hasn't happened in a long time. Before I would have to have the volume turned up a lot to drown out the console noise and I would notice Liam would turn up what he was listening to too so to finally have some quiet has been great and gives our ears a bit of a break. It is a bit strange tough not hearing the console anymore.
Thanks to me neglecting the console I am still trying to get used to the interface of the console as jumping from console to console hasn't really helped me out but I am hoping I am totally used to it before the time I do my 12 month round up, I am also hoping that by then I have had the chance to get around to trying all the features it has to offer too as I really haven't had the chance to optimise my experience just yet so I still have quite a bit to discover. One thing I don't need to get used to though is the look of the console when it first released I wasn't too sure about it but once I opened the box I loved it and still to this day I really like the design of the console and it is still looking fantastic at the side of the TV.
Due to my backlog challenge I haven't actually purchased any new Xbox games since I got the console which is a bit annoying but really it just motivates me to complete more of the backlog so I can purchase something new. Due to this I haven't really had the chance to try any games made or enhanced for the Series X so I haven't seen the potential there just yet however, I am really hoping to get that changed soon and I am sure the next game I purchase is going to be an Xbox game (although I will be picking up a Nintendo Switch game for my weekend away that I have coming up). I am also determined that by the end of the year I will be signed up to Gamepass however, I do need to complete more of the backlog before I do this because there are so many games I want to try off Gamepass, I aren't letting more neglecting happen.
Overall the 4am wake up to order the Xbox was certainly worth it as it is such a great console which I just need to spend more time on. I am hoping that now everything seems to be back on track and I know what I am doing with my time I can play on the Series X a whole lot more and spend less evenings sat at the PC blogging as I have games I need to get through.
When it comes to me picking up some new games what games would you recommend?