I don't even know where August has gone I just seem to have blinked and we are in September. August was a pretty busy month with work, jabs and the return of the football which filled plenty of weekends and evenings. It was also a month of getting things done in the house and getting back into playing my games just to unwind after taking far too much on which has stressed me out so it was about time I made some time for myself. Again it has been a month of rediscovering old favourites alongside finding new ones so here are my favourite things from the month of August...
Film & TV
Grey's Anatomy
I have been absolutely hooked on Grey's Anatomy and even with limited time to watch it I have managed to get to Season 3 in the space of a month. Normally I avoid anything medical related as I don't have strong stomach but for some reason I am absolutely hooked on this one. I can see this becoming a strong favourite until I have finished every season just due to how hooked I am. This show has really been consuming all my free time but I don't mind.
Twenty One Pilots
I aren't really sure what got me listening to Twenty One Pilots again but throughout August they have been one of the only artists I have listened to. Years ago I went through this phase too but I ended up drifting away from them but my love for them just seems to be growing a whole lot again and I look forward to listening to them on the way to work or just whilst I am around the house. I definitely still prefer their older stuff but I am happy just to shuffle their Spotify library.
My Macbook has been a bit of a life saver this past month as it has meant I have been able to do a whole lot more at lunchtime which has helped me be a lot more productive and my content has been a lot more consistent for a change due to this. It has also allowed me to work on bits whilst binge watching Grey's Anatomy which has been great as I wouldn't have got half as much done due to binge watching the show whilst lounging on the sofa. I know that over the next few months I am going to be using this a whole lot more too.
Massage Gun
I have been struggling a bit this month with muscle aches and pains due to the amount of exercise I have been doing so far this year, I think my body is just telling me to slow down a little bit. To help ease the pains though I got myself a massage gun to relax my muscles a bit after having them recommended to me for a while. I am absolutely loving the massage gun and I am looking forward to using it more in the future but for now it is doing the job really well and the aches and pains are easing a fair bit.
Spider-Man Miles Morales
I finally got around to starting Miles Morales in August and I am now wondering why I left it so long to play as it is amazing. I absolutely loved the PS4 Spider-Man game but so far I am actually enjoying this one quite a bit more. I am actually kicking myself a bit that it has taken me so long to experience the game due to how much fun I am having, maybe if I started it sooner my motivation for gaming would have returned sooner and I could have got even more games out of my backlog at this stage of the year.
So there you have it those are my favourite things from the month of August. What have you been loving throughout the month?