It is the first weekend in September and I think it is bound to be a busy one for me and possibly Liam. It is my birthday next week so I am trying my best to get everything done in the house that needs doing before Thursday so that everything is tidy ready for my little party next Saturday. I can see this Saturday being a case of running around getting things I need for the party before we go to the football and Sunday being a day of mainly tidying up. Fingers crossed though we get some time to play some games as to be honest I really missed playing them whilst we was away last weekend, here is what we are hoping to be playing...
I have honestly really missed playing Spider-Man Miles Morales so I am hoping that this weekend I can finally sit down and put a few hours into it this weekend and really start to make some progress in the game I am really starting to love. If I get the chance I want to try get through a bit more Super Lucky's Tale too as that is the perfect game to relax with.
I will be sticking to just the one game this weekend and it is the game I have been playing a lot recently. Of course I ma going to be spending a whole lot of time playing Football Manager once again, I don't know why but I have just really got into this recently and can't seem to enjoy any other game as much as I am enjoying this.
So there you have it that is what we are playing this weekend if we actually get the chance to. I really hope we do though as it has been a while since we last just sat and gamed for hours on end. Let's hope now the weather is changing we have more weekends of just gaming approaching.