Ah the weekend I am so glad to see it this week as it should be a pretty good one. It is a bit of a mixture this weekend with me having one busy day, a quiet evening and a quiet day where as Liam has a pretty quiet weekend all round. I am looking forward to this weekend though as my Saturday is going to be spent with my nephew which is great as those days are just the best. Friday evening looks like plans have changed and I will now be at home for the evening so I think I am going to take this opportunity to sit and play some games as I am quite ahead with blog posts at the moment. Sunday is also a day where both me and Liam are at home so no doubt this will also be filled with some games and a bit of blogging. So here is what we are both planning on playing this weekend...
I am determined that this weekend is going to be the weekend where I finally complete Spider-Man Miles Morales, I am definitely capable of doing this and I think it will be a bit of a bitter sweet moment when I do finish it. I am also hoping to finally make a start on Life Is Strange True Colours as it is sitting on the PlayStation just waiting to be played. Who knows I might get the chance to play a bit more Super Lucky's Tale this weekend too.
Unfortunately my computer broke the other week so it is back to console gaming for me for a while. I am hoping that this weekend I can get through a bit more of Assassins Creed Valhalla as I am really enjoying this game at the moment. When I aren't playing Assassins Creed though I am hoping to jump back onto Outerworlds as it has been a while since I have played that. Who knows I might even be able to convince Lucy to play a bit more Gears of War with me as it has been a while since we have played that together.
Fingers crossed that this weekend goes to plan and we can both get through plenty of our games as I think at least one game could easily be finished this weekend and lets hope that game is Miles Morales. I am really looking forward to having a good gaming session this weekend as it could be one of the last ones before the games room has to be pulled apart for redoing. It would be nice if we could spend some time playing some games together too as it has been a while.