September 2021 New In

Remember when I said that I wouldn't be spending much in September due to it being my birthday, well overall it didn't really go to plan as I bought a lot of new clothing for the change of seasons but when it came to geeky/gaming items honestly I didn't pick much up, mainly as I got a fair few bits for my birthday but also because at the moment nothing is really jumping out at me. So here are the items I did actually pick up throughout the month of September...

It is autumn which means life slows down a lot for me as I don't go out most evenings and most weekends without football are spent nice and cosy at home, even those weekends with football usually end up spent at home due to game cancellations. This time of the year is when I like to get cosy with a good game and candle and just play for hours on end. I missed out on a lot of autumnal scented candles last year so this time around as soon as I saw them on sale I picked some up. I got these from Home Bargains and the Pumpkin Chai one is perfect for autumn whilst the Mulled Wine one is perfect for winter, I can't wait to get burning these. 

My love for Spider-Man has really come back with vengeance lately as you will have seen with what Liam got me for my birthday. As soon as I saw this life story graphic novel in HMV I knew I didn't want to leave without but with it being £14.99 I was just a little hesitant. I ended up picking up though and I really can't wait to get reading it. 

It is thanks to playing Miles Morales on the PS5 that my love for Spider-Man has reignited so I when I saw this book that is a prequel to the game I picked it straight up and wasn't leaving it behind. I am really looking forward to giving this book a read and who knows it might end up getting me reading a whole lot more. 

With Liam buying me the Killing Joke for my birthday when I saw they also had the Mad Love novel I knew I had to add that to the book backlog too especially with Harley Quinn being one of my favourites from the DC world. Again I am really looking forward to sitting down and reading this book. 

We also noticed they had the Court of Owls book with the Mad Love & Killing Joke one so there was no point really leaving this one behind when I was already getting the other two. This is probably the one I am least looking forward to but at the same time I am still looking forward to reading it. 

The final book I picked up was this Spider-Man novel which actually has three stories in it. I had never seen this one before but after reading the back of it I thought it looked really interesting and one that I could really get into. This might be one of the last ones I read that I have picked up this month just due to how thick it is but I can't wait to get stuck into it. 

Spooky season is upon us and I don't normal embrace Halloween but Liam absolutely loves it. So this year I have decided to make a little bit of an effort for him and am even contemplating watching some scary movies with him ( I absolutely hate them) who knows we may even play a scary game but for now I just picked up these cute pumpkin mugs from Poundland for us to use for our hot drinks over the coming month. I can't believe how good they are to say they are just £1 each. 

I had been on the look out for a new daily backpack for a while now because I wanted something to take to work with me with enough room in for me to have my laptop, notebook and lunch in plus anything extra I need to take. this one was only £3 and I think it actually looks quite smart especially for the price. 


I have started wearing my Pandora bracelet a whole lot more so I thought I would treat myself to a new charm out of my birthday money. I ended up opting for one from the Star Wars range and I picked the Han and Leia one. This one just jumped out to me above others and I think it is really cute, although I thin my next one might 

When I was getting the Star Wars charm I was also looking at this adorable Stitch one and Liam ended up disappearing and he came back to surprise me with this. I absolutely love this charm and I think it is just the start of my Disney collection as they had some absolutely fantastic ones.

I am glad I managed to control my spending when it came to geeky/gaming items as next month could turn into a bit of an expensive one as we start to gather things for upgrading the games room at the start of November. I don't want to be adding too much to the room now to have to remove it all a few weeks later. I am quite pleased with how I managed to control my spending in September so lets hope I don't go too overboard in October. 

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