Well I set out to read 10 books in 2021 and managed to get nowhere near that target. I was determined to get back into reading but then as the year progressed I just drifted away from wanting to do this and I was more determined to get as much content out on the blogs as possible. However, I have learnt now that things need to change and I need to start having some time away from screens and some time to just switch off.
Throughout the year I managed to finish a grand total of 1 book and I managed to get just about half way through another one because like I say if I wasn't working I was blogging until I fell asleep which just isn't healthy and I realise that now. I have books sat on the shelf waiting to read and I just need to create the habit of reading before I head to bed so that I sleep better and don't feel like I am just typing my days away. So here are the books I read throughout 2021...
Introducing Jarrod Black : Texi Smith
This book was actually sent to me to review for my football blog and it took me such a long time to actually sit down and read it. I actually restarted it 3 times as I just went for such long periods without reading it that I had forgot what was going on. When I did finally sit down to read it properly though I absolutely loved it and got lost in the world of the professional footballer. This book was ideal for me and I enjoyed every second of reading and to be honest once I really got into it I didn't want to put it down. I actually got sent another book from the series recently which I really can't wait to get into as it is about a female player who is Jarrod's sister. This book didn't go on for too long and it was the perfect length for me and everything was covered without the author adding points just to drag the story out so it ticked all the boxes for me. I think I am actually going to end up reading every book in this series in the future as it was so well written and is an interesting story line.
iJustine: An Analog Memoir
I have loved iJustine for the longest time and still to this day her YouTube channel is one of my favourites and I watch every video she releases. Her book has been sat on the bookshelf for the longest time though and I was determined to complete my read of it this year but things haven't gone to plan and I am just under halfway through this. I am absolutely loving learning more about Justine though and her journey to where she was at the time of writing the book. I am really hoping that I can finish this book in the early stages of 2022 as I am really enjoying it and I really want to see what the rest of the book holds. I found it hard to put the book down for what I have read so far so let's hope the rest of it is the same.
2021 has taught me a big lesson about needing to learn to switch off and those nights that I spent reading, I ended up having the best nights sleep so reading is definitely a habit I need to build on in the new year. I loved what I read in 2021 but it is time to take it up a notch for 2022.