Any quiet weekends we have had recently are just a distant memory as life has now got super busy once again and thanks to the Euros we are starting our football season. Not only that but I have recently signed up to play football once again so with training and games being on a Sunday a lot of free time has just disappeared, I can't complain though as for me there can never be too much football. This weekend though it looks like the majority of our gaming time will be on Friday evening and Sunday morning as we are off to Sheffield on Saturday to watch Netherlands vs Sweden in the Euros then on Sunday evening I have a double football training session and I will only be sleeping after that. We should have a fair few hours on Friday and Sunday though to get some games played and here is what we are hoping to play...
Well as I said earlier it is a football filled weekend for me and I really can't complain as I have waited for the Euros for so long. The blind is finally up in the games room though so no matter what time of day it is I can now play on the consoles without the sun causing an issue. That is why I am going to use any free hours I have to play a bit more of the Last of Us as I have been wanting to progress with this for a while now but haven't had a chance. I will also be getting through a few more races on Cars 3 as I think I could really get close to completing that soon if I give it a good shot as races are quite quick to get through. I am keeping it simple this weekend with those two games and fingers crossed the progress through them does happen.
I have a bit more time than Lucy to play games this weekend as I have all day Sunday free which I am looking forward to as I should get some peace and quiet too with the house to myself. I will be playing a fair bit more World of Warcraft over the weekend as I don't think I will ever get bored of this game. I will also be jumping in and out of more Satisfactory as this game has suddenly become one of my favourites and it is a great game just to relax with.
So there you go it is a busy weekend for us but lets hope we can get plenty of gaming done between us. It would be nice to get close to completing another game as this backlog challenge isn't going too well for the year and I need to start picking up pace with games to complete.
What are you playing this weekend?