The weekend is here and honestly where has this week gone? I seem to have blinked and we are at the weekend already. It has been a busy week and to be honest the weekend is looking no different with something going on every day. Friday e have the England women's match to watch and live tweet, Saturday we are off to watch the Bradford City men's team and then on Sunday it is finally time for me to put my boots back on as it is my first game of the season. I am definitely looking forward to that but at the same time I could really do with some time just to rest as I have been floored by a horrible cold since midweek. Alongside all the football I also have a fair few jobs around the house to get caught up on, some workouts I need to get done and more importantly I have a fair few blog posts I need to get written as I haven't had the most productive week. I am hoping though I can get most things done on Saturday and Sunday morning so that any remaining time will be spent sat in front of the TV finally playing some games. So here is what we are hoping to play this weekend...
As I said earlier I have got a fair bit to do this weekend so gaming time is going to be hard to come by but I am really hoping that I can get the majority of the blogging and the jobs around the house done before I go to the football on Saturday afternoon. If that is the case Saturday and Sunday evening (possibly Sunday morning too) is going to be spent sat playing Man of Medan, the first spooky game I want to get completed this spooky season. This is definitely going to be my main focus for the weekend but if I do need a break I am sure I will jump into a few games of FIFA 23.
I am going to be at the football with Lucy and I have work Saturday so unfortunately gaming time is going to be hard to come by this weekend but as I stay up much later than Lucy I am sure I will have more gaming time than she does. Of course I am going to be playing a fair bit of World of Warcraft and Football Manager as it wouldn't be the weekend without playing these. I will also be playing some more Cyberpunk too as I am still enjoying playing through this game on the PC. Lucy picked up FIFA last week too so I can imagine I will play a few games of that too if I get the chance.
So there you go that is what we are hoping to play this weekend, fingers crossed we get the chance to play as I know we both want the chance to play something this weekend. What are you planning on playing?