Recently we spoke about how many games I wanted to complete in this year in the backlog challenge and after so many failed attempts of the backlog challenge in the past I am going into the challenge in 2024 with a plan. I am putting a gaming road map in place to hopefully keep me motivated and on track. The road map simply consists of 5 games and are in an order of which I want to complete first, once the credits are rolled on said game I will then move onto the next one on the road map. Once that road map is all ticked off I will then start on a brand new 5 and hopefully get through them before the end of the year. I am hoping that by doing this method the overwhelm of what to play next will disappear and I can jump straight into games again rather than having months of not knowing what to play.
So here are the first 5 games that are on the road map that I am hoping to roll the credits on in 2024, I will be aiming for this specific order too...
Hogwarts Legacy
The first game on my list is possibly the one I am the most excited for. I have actually been working through this since New Year's day and I honestly don't think I will be playing it for much longer as I am making some very good progress on the game. I have to say it is beating my expectations and is actually reviving my love for the Harry Potter franchise.
Sackboy : A big adventure
I used to love playing the Little Big Planet games so I am hoping I have a great experience with Sackboy : A big adventure. This is another game that I have had sat on the shelf for far too long and I am hoping to have rolled the credits on it by the end of February. I won't be playing this game alone though as I am hoping to complete a full play through with Liam. A good weekend's work on this game and we could have it wrapped up in a few days whilst having some nice time together rather than being off doing our own thing.
Spider-Man 2
This game is going straight onto the road map even though I haven't actually purchased it yet. This is going to be the first game I purchase of 2024 and I will be allowed to buy it if I follow this road map as I will definitely have completed 3 games by then. This game certainly wont be sitting on the shelf and the plan is to dive right into it to get my Spider-Man fix.
Lego Star Wars : Skywalker saga
This is yet another game that has been sat on my shelf for far too long, in fact it has been sat there since the end of 2022. This is another game I am planning on playing with Liam so who knows we might play this along side another game that I am playing solo or we may just keep all our focus on this game. With me and Liam playing this together on evenings and weekends we should easily fly through this to roll the credits.
Halo Infinite
I have never rolled the credits on a Halo game but it is certainly going to happen with this one. This game was a black Friday pick up back in 2022 however, it is like a lot of other games I own... still sat on the shelf in its original packaging. I am looking forward to sitting and playing this as I haven't played a Halo game in a long time and it should be a nice change from the other games I will have already played in 2024.
So those are the first 5 games I want to get through in 2024 and to be honest those are the 5 that I am most excited to sit and play and want to finally get through as I have put them off for far too long. If all goes to plan though these games will all be wrapped up within the first half of the year and if they are here are the next 5 games I will be aiming to roll credits on before the end of the year...

Saints Row
I won this game in a Christmas competition back in 2022 but again it is still sat on the shelf even though I had all intentions of playing it in 2023. This game got pretty mixed reviews when it first came out so I am looking forward to making my own mind up about it and no doubt Liam will end up playing it once I am done with it.
Gotham Knights
Oh look another game that got very bad reviews that I am still to play however, it is still on the list to be played in 2024 as I want to make my own mind up about it. This will be a nice little break up from the other games I have played in the year if things go to plan. I am hoping to get Suicide Squad at some point but this will be played first.
Disneyland Adventures
I have actually started this game and got a few hours into it but then I put it down and never went back to it. I am hopeful though that a week of evenings sat playing through this will see me roll the credits on the game at long last whilst also giving me my much needed Disney fix.
It Takes Two
This is another game that me and Liam will be sitting and playing together and hopefully finishing with minimal arguments although we all know that isn't very likely to happen as he is much better at games than I am. This looks like a great game for us just to get lost in after work though so let's hope it all goes to plan and we see the credits rolled on this before the end of 2024.
Another game that has been massively slated since its release however, as you can tell I am needing a superhero fix in 2024 so as painful as this may be to play I will be sitting down and rolling the credits on it. This is a relatively short play as opposed to some of the others on the road map so hopefully it won't be too bad for me and I can fly through the main story.
So there we have it those are the 10 games on my 2024 gaming road map. Granted this could change if I receive new games or if I treat myself due to me completing 3 other games however, these 10 are top of the priority list. I am really hoping that this road map stops the overwhelm of what to play next which usually stops me gaming for a while and let's hope I actually enjoy playing the games on this list.
For now though let's see how this road map goes and how many games I can roll credits on in 2024, make sure to keep an eye on social media too as I will sharing mini reviews as well as progress through the games which will hopefully means a lot more posts than there has been on social media.