As Part of a new feature on my blog I will be doing a weekly YouTuber spotlight. This will be introducing a YouTuber I think you should check out and whose work I think you would enjoy. So first up is the wonderful EternalStephHd.
Here is what Steph had to say about herself,
Steph : I'm your average girl. I grew up playing video games with my sisters. I fell in love with Tomb Raider and the character Lara Croft. As the years went on and I started discovering new avenues I found that 2 of my loves went together. These are filming and playing video games.
This led me into the world of YouTube & Twitch, Twitch has allowed me to play games & be on camera live to a audience whilst YouTube I have been able to post adventures/events through vlogs that expresses a story of my journey.
Steph is also apart of ETNL here is what she had to say about what ETNL is,
Steph : ETNL is a brand that associates to the production side and the merchandise we provide for our fans. I work with my colleague @EternalNavHD to ensure the content we create is something we are proud of and different.
We always want our content & merchandise to be an expression of ourselves and that is why we are opening very soon. Merch will be coming shortly as designs being finalised as we speak.
So what is next for Steph?
Steph : Personally I'm hoping for more events, more content to give back to the visitors. I'll be at insomnia i58 and EGX this year and fingers crossed play expo
I am always up for suggestion in events so if anyone wants to contact me about events then please feel free too.
So there you go guys there ourfirst YouTuber to watch. You can check Stephs work out on the links below,
YouTube - EternalStephHD
Twitch - eternalstephhd
Twitter - EternalStephHD
Facebook - etnlproductions/
Instagram - eternalstephhd/
I hope you enjoyed today's post. Leave a comment below with any YouTuber's you think I may like.
Feel free to contact me any time I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me on,
Email :
Twitter: NorthGirlGames
Instagram: thenortherngirl
Facebook : TNG Games
See you later,
Email :
Twitter: NorthGirlGames
Instagram: thenortherngirl
Facebook : TNG Games
See you later,