SAO : Lost song first impressions

This game has been sitting in my collection for far too long going untouched so this week I finally decided to give it a go.

1st off the tutorial is super fast and super basic which is just what I like. It get straight to the point. Flight mode is super easy to pick up so is the basic movement. Once you go through the tutorial you get to the town/city.

The graphics through out are absolutely amazing it is just like your are watching and taking part of the anime instead of just simply playing the game.

I have also found the combat easy to get to grips with even for me who forgets different buttons so easy. The only issue I am having so far is that it seems to take quite a while to defeat enemies even if you lock in on them.

Overall I think I can see myself enjoying this game and I can't wait to play through it all.

Have you played this game? What do you think to it? Let me know in the comments below.

Feel free to contact me any time I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me on,

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Twitter: NorthGirlGames

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Facebook : TNG Games

See you later,


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