So we are back with the weekly round up posts and this week has definitely been a fun one. I have been to see The Courtneys, got more organised with the blog, watched plenty of wrestling and got to spend quite a bit of time with Liam. So here is what I have.....
Been watching : A lot of Big Bang Theory again and also a lot of the WWE network. On the WWE Network I have been watching the Shane McMahon collection.
Been reading : The only thing I have been reading this month is Twitter and Facebook. I am terrible at actually sitting down with a book these days and really need to get back into it.
Been playing : I have been mixing things up a little this week I got into playing Heros of the Storm. Bought and played Overwatch on the PC, then topped it off by playing quite a bit of WWE 2K17 on the Xbox.
Been listening to : In the build up to the week I was listening to a mix of The Courtneys to get me ready for the gig and Tegan & Sara. By the end of it I had been listening to both those bands but also a new favourite of mine Nervous Twitch who absolutely amazed me before the gig on Thursday (more to come about that soon though).
Bought : I have actually been quite good I managed to turn down the Squirtle Build a Bear, and the XXX:Return of Xander Cage DVD. Instead I just bought 2 t-shirts and a bag at the concert and plenty of drinks in the build up. I have also been to pick up Cars on PS2 and the Incredibles on PS2. Along with a copy of How to be Bawse by Lilly Singh.
So there you have it that was my week. What have you guys been up to?
See you later,
Feel free to contact me any time I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me on:
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Twitter: NorthGirlGames
Instagram: thenortherngirl
Facebook : TNG Games