Ah Heros of the Storm, a game I never thought I would download that has turned into one I am neglecting other games for. When it was first announced I said not a chance. Then Liam told me it was something I would like to play, again I said not a chance. But then out of nowhere last month I decided that I wanted to give it a try. I played the tutorial just to see what it would run like on my PC, which turned out pretty well and then gave a few AI games a run.
The next day I was going to play on WWE but found myself on a few more AI games of Heros of the Storm. Granted I aren't very good however I am still finding my way on the PC gaming specifically remembering all the correct buttons to use and how easy to use to them. Therefore I am sticking to AI for now but really can't wait to get playing online once I am used to it.
The graphics and speed of the game really has surprised me as my PC is really not the best at all. In fact it struggles with most things. But with this game I so far haven't had any problems it runs smoothly and looks great.
As I play them game I will post more update on how I find it etc as like I say I am new to this but really loving it. I may even put it in part of a new series I am planning on starting so keep your eyes peeled for that.
Have you played the game? Let me know what you think. Also if you want to play the game with me send me your battletags on any of the social media listed below.
See you later,
Feel free to contact me any time I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me on:
Email : northerngirlgames@gmail.com
Twitter: NorthGirlGames
Instagram: thenortherngirl
Facebook : TNG Games