My Steam Library

I always fall into the trap of the Steam sales. I end up buying far too many games that I always forget to play or end up installing playing a few times, then neglecting. 

 Scribblenauts is a game I absolutely loved when I played I had it on my old laptop but now I have a new one I keep forgetting to reinstall it. Lucius is also a game I have enjoyed playing a bit of in the past so I need to get into that one once again. Life is strange is one I have gotten recently and I really can't wait to spend more time on it.

Duck tales and Five Nights at Freddy's are a few other games that I have enjoyed in the past and really want to install again to help clear off the background.

The 3 above images are all games that I have basically bought due to the cheapness of them in the sales, which I definitely need to stop doing in the future as I have so many unplayed games.. I am really hoping to clear this backlog and get back into my PC gaming on games other than Hearthstone and Heros of the Storm. 

What games do you recommend me to begin with to help shift the backlog? Let me know in the comments or on any of the social media places below.

See you later,

Feel free to contact me any time I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me on:

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