Week #8

This week has been a mixed one. Plenty has been going on but help from friends and Liam has really got me through it. I have spent a fair bit of time with family this week but the main thing for me is the return of home preseason games and the return of the women's Euro 2017. So here is what I have been doing this week....

Been watching : As I said I went to watch the football yesterday back at Valley Parade, it was only a preseason and we lost but it was good fun. I also watched England vs Scotland in the women's Euro 2017 we won 6-0 which was a huge bonus. I also started watching Forensic Files and Peaky Blinders with Liam which are both shows I will be continuing with.

Been reading : I tried to start reading the book Fanfic but I really couldn't get into it at all. I have a few other books I want to start on though.

Been playing : I have gone back to the Xbox this week after I bought Cars 3 which I am absolutely loving but more on that in another post. I have also been playing a bit of WWE 2K17.

Been listening to : All I have been listening to is Lucy Spraggan, the Courtney's, Tegan and Sara.

Bought : The main thing I have bought is the Cars 3 game but I honestly think this was the only big thing I purchased. Really hoping I can stick to this budget planning.

So there you have it that was my week. What have you guys been up to?

See you later,

Feel free to contact me any time I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me on:

Email : northerngirlgames@gmail.com

Twitter: NorthGirlGames

Instagram:  thenortherngirl

Facebook : TNG Games

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