I have had such a great week this week. I took a day off work to spend the day with my grandad for his birthday which was great having a nice walk and heading to the pubs. I have also had time to plenty on my games quite a bit too so all round this week has been win win.
So here is what I have...
Been watching: I have started to re-watch Ray Donovan and I have fallen in love with it all over again. I have also watched quite a bit of This Just Out on YouTube, which I find amazing.
Been reading : I have treated myself to the PC Gamer magazine as I am wanting to read more gaming magazines. Next stop is the PlayStation and Xbox ones.
Been playing : I finally completed Life is Strange and oh wow I can't wait for before the storm, I wont go into this much as I want to do a review post. I have also played a bit of Minecraft and Octodad.
Been listening to : Once again the week has been taken over by Paramore and LP. Especially with me having to get the bus the other day. My I pod was my best friend then.
Bought : I have finally got my gaming laptop, again I won't go into this much as I want to do a review however so far so good. The only other things I have bought is the PC Gamer magazine and WWE top trumps.
So there you have it that was my week. What have you guys been up to?
See you all later