I ended up having to get a new phone on my birthday back in September as I am an absolute Liability. My Sony Xperia decided to smash to pieces as it fell out of my pocket and I am still trying to find ways to get back everything that was on it, as I always forgot to back the data up. So instead of getting a new Sony or an iPhone I thought I would treat myself to a Samsung Galaxy S7 edge and I absolutely love it. I do need to remember to hook it up to my computer every now and again though so I don't lose everything. So here is what is on my phone.
My lock screen is my 2 favourite footballers Christen Press and Kelley O'Hara holding the world cup however my background is obviously one of my favourite pictures of me and Liam. This first page on my phone I don't really spend much time on but it does have my gallery, camera, play store, memos and calendar on it. As well as this it has a folder of all the google apps in one handy place. I even have the local weather on this page just in case.
Obviously the bottom of the page has all the essentials such as phone, messaging, chrome and access to all my other apps.
Now the second page is where I keep the every day apps. Messenger is the only place my mum seems to reply to me these days so that is there for if I need to ask her something real quick. Whatsapp is one of my most used apps as this is where I talk to friends and also have a few football/soccer group chats on the go.
My Alexa app is also on this page although I haven't used it too much recently, but I will be changing that soon. Again Tumblr is an app that is used a lot, it used to be for Tegan and Sara but now it is filled with the USWNT. The Game app is something I use quite often as it acts as my reward card but they do also run regular competitions so it is always worth checking out.
Snapchat is one of those apps where I will either be on it all the time or just really not both. Recently it has been a case of not bothering although I probably will get back into it soon. Facebook is brilliant for keeping up with how family is doing but if you ever came across my profile all I ever post is wrestling or football as it is somewhere I always check for the latest news. Instagram, Twitter and Discord are all the apps I check literally as soon as I wake up. They are definitely my favourite as they have game talk and football talk so they don't get much better than that. It is also where I chat to most people so it is great having them right there on my phone for easy access.
Now the last page is a little boring as it apps I am either trying to use more or just use occasionally. Page manager and Sheets get used for the the blog and to keep track of things. I also have my Xbox and Playstation apps on here but I really do need to use these more often. Layout is a new one I am trying to use to make my Instagram a little better as is Lightroom CC as I am trying to get the best quality images I can and really improve my photography. Linkedin is a recent download that I really need to start using to help me build connections for this blog. The final two on here are the WWE app which I can watch the network on and keep up to date on the latest news and also the NWSL app. As everyone knows I am a huge football fan so having this app is fantastic as it has all information in one place. But I wont go into it too much as I may do a full review on this either before the season starts or once it gets going.
So there you go those are the main apps I have and actually use on my phone. Can you recommend any new ones for me to try?
See you soon
TNG Games
Just a quick reminder the blog is now in the following places: