Ah last week, yet another very warm week, Sunday we had a gin festival at my nanna and grandad's house, I have to admit that today I am suffering not from the alcohol but from the sunburn I have suffered it is quite entertaining how just half of me is bright red. 8am until 5pm Monday to Friday was once again spent in work but I have also managed to get a few days working out done whether that has been in the gym or at home, I am feeling so good for it. Saturday we even managed to get some final glossing in the bedroom done and to get started on the dining room at long last. It has also meant I have finally had plenty of time to game too. So here is what I had been up to last week....
Been watching : It was both the men's and women's Champions League finals and I managed to watch both, they were both equally good games in their own way. I have also watched a lot of YouTube once again but most of my time this week has been spent on Netflix as I have completed Riverdale now.
Been playing : I have finally finished my first play through of all 3 episodes of Before the Storm. My Overwatch had also tried updating but I am still waiting for that to be completed so I can get back playing it.
Been reading : I have been rubbish wish reading this week, I haven't read at all. This is down to me binge watching Riverdale.
Been listening to : When Netflix hasn't been on it has been Fifth Harmony and Camila Cabello coming through the speakers, with the odd bit of Demi Lovato and Shawn Mendes thrown in.
Bought : This week I have been very good. All that I have bought is the Shawn Mendes album which I have waited so long for. I think some gaming / geeky purchase are in order soon.
Plans for this week : As well as getting a few more jobs done in the house and working out I want to complete the bonus episode of Before the Storm and make a start on some of my other games.
Last weeks posts : Last Week #2, Shadow of War: First Impressions, Playstation Gear Store Wish list, X-Rocker Chair, Neglecting the Nintendo DS.
So there you have it that was my week. What have you guys been up to?
See you soon