Racing games are ones that I can struggle getting into mainly because I am totally useless at them. The only games I have really stuck with racing wise have been Mario Kart, Cars and Crash Tag Team Racing, any other games have just been played for 10 minutes and then headed to the backlog pile.
I was recently sent this copy of The Crew 2 and was actually quite intrigued to give it a go. My Xbox One originally started out as my sisters but she never used it so sold it to me, it came with a couple of games one of those games was The Crew, I think I installed this did half a race, got frustrated and never played it again, so I wanted to give The Crew 2 more of a fair shot.
I tried the flying races but there was no chance I was going to do any more of these after the first 2 I did, I don't know what it is but I just can't fly things on games, I was the same on Battlefront 2 and GTA V. The boat races I quite enjoyed however again I was useless, they are fun though especially with the jumps added in, I can see me doing a lot more of these over time as I think it is a good addition to the game. When it comes to the car street races I am still as useless as ever, lamp posts get knocked down, cars get smashed and I spend most of the race trying to get out of places I have somehow managed to get stuck.
My favourite parts of the races so far has been the off road ones, in my 4x4 trying to beat times and actually doing quite well in them. These races are much better for me as there are no other cars for me to hit however, I do tend to hit quite a lot of trees and logs still. I much prefer that terrain to the streets. In fact these are the only races I will do at the moment.
I haven't actually completed that many races at the moment meaning not many achievements have been unlocked. My favourite thing to do is actually just to get lost in the world and drive around the map. It is helping me get used to the controls and the sensitivity on turns etc. I actually got lost in just travelling for 2 whole hours whilst playing and I think I could easily do this again as it was quite an enjoyable experience plus it actually did help me get used to the driving.
The controls are those of your basic racing game but as I am not used to playing them it took some getting used to, plus the sensitivity on corner turns and controlling the car took a while to get used to due to me not really playing racing games. I slowly got used to these but it is those flying controls I am really struggling to get to grips with.
I was pleasantly surprised with how good the game actually looked I was worried it may run a little clunky as I had a few issues with my Xbox however, it still looks really crisp and clean. It doesn't look to unrealistic which I thought it may. the Mustang on it looks brilliant as well as the different scenery you will encounter within the game.
In terms of content you are never stuff for something to do, whether it is off road racing, street racing, boat races or flying there is something for everyone. If like me you don't like doing the flying you can always stick to the other types of races. Plus if you don't want to race at all and just drive around the map you can very easily get lost in this for hours just taking different routes and see different views.
This is a game I will definitely keep going back to especially if my Xbox finally decides to work properly again, as I am determined not to be beaten by it and will win these races. Who knows I might even start playing a few more racing games if I can start getting used to them.
Overall I would recommend give this game a go yourself as it is definitely much better than the first and has plenty of things to do within the game so you will never be bored.
See you soon,
TNG Games
*This game was sent to me by the publisher for review, all opinions are my own.