Another week gone by and it has been yet another football filled one. Thanks to the play offs we have had a constant supply of games and that is how I spent the majority of nights after work. Other than the weekend it was a pretty relaxed week. The weekend is where it all got busy, well especially for my dad and Liam. Saturday me and my mum went to watch the FAWNL playoff final at Valley Parade and whilst we was there Liam, my dad and grandad all got cracking on the gardens, then on Sunday whilst me, my mum, sister and nephew went out for the day my dad and Liam carried on the hard work and it is so nice to know things are finally starting to take shape. I will be doing a whole post on the garden situations very soon. I am really hoping now that I can spend a lot more time gaming and blogging now as the football season is done and a lot more of the jobs in the house are done. So here is what I had...
Been Watching: Football, football, football, that is all that has been watched. When we haven't been watching the football I have been watching FIFA or Sidemen videos on YouTube.
Been reading : My reading has massively dropped off and my Hope Solo book is still sat unread. If you can recommend any gaming sites for me to sit and read please let me know.
Been Playing: I had been slacking on my gaming and only played a little Let's Go Pikachu and FIFA but that will be changing this week.
Been listening to : Halsey brought out her new song Nightmare so that had been on repeat, but I also ended up listening to her old stuff too.
Bought : I bought some bits to put away for the nephew (which I may post soon), I also got a load of match warn City gear to add to the collection. I haven't really bought anything gaming related for a while now but I have my eye on a few bits.
Plans for this week : I am hoping to spend plenty of time gaming and getting posts up on here whilst mixing in going to the gym and getting the garden sorted out a little more. It is also payday so who knows I may end up treating myself. One of my main aims though is to try complete either Lego Marvel or Titanfall 2 campaign as it is long overdue.
So there you have it that was my week. What have you guys been up to?
See you soon,