Well I haven't done one of these favourites posts for a while over on this blog but I am bringing them back. So each month I will be back to listing my favourite things, some may be new favourites some may be rediscoveries. So to kick this back off let's take a look at my favourites for the month of June which seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye.
Film / TV
No film favourites this month as all my time has been spent watching the women's world cup. It has been an absolutely amazing tournament which I have been following over on my other blog TheNorthernGirl if you fancy taking a look. When the football hasn't been on though I have been loving watching Sidemen videos over on YouTube so I am catching up on their channel.
Thanks to watching the Sidemen I have also fallen in love with KSI's music that New Age album is amazing, plus I have been listening to quite a few diss tracks of his. I think he may become one of my most played on Spotify. I have also taken a liking to Stormzy again lately and I don't even know why but I have listened to him nearly every day.
I have fallen back in love with my cheap old HP laptop it has been perfect for my blogging and getting things done, I just bring it to work and blog away on my lunch break. Then I will head home pull the laptop out again and carry on where I left off. The battery is pretty good and it is actually quite lightweight. I may even do a blog post on it in the future. I really need to get back into discovering new tech but for now I will stick to just having my laptop as my favourite.
I hadn't got much gaming done at all thanks to the football constantly been on but when I did get chance to game it was Crash Team Racing which I am loving, check out yesterday's post all about it here. I am hoping now the football is almost done I can get back on to playing plenty more games.
So there you have it those are my favourites from June what were you loving in June?
See you soon,