August was quite a busy month with plenty going on. So let's take a look at last months goals to see if I actually managed to complete any of them this time around...
Watch 3 new films - I managed to watch 2 films but they definitely weren't new. They were Guardians of the Galaxy and Alex & Me.
Watch a new series - This didn't happen either thanks to a lack of time and YouTube taking over once again.
Finish Orange Is The New Black - This one was so close to being completed, I only have a few episodes left.
Complete Titanfall 2 and South Park - Once again I just didn't have time to sit and complete any of these plus South Park needs reinstalling apparently. Plus the Xbox has once again been a nightmare.
Complete 1 games from my Steam library - The only thing I managed to play on the PC was Minecraft other than that it has just been used for blogging.
Post more on the blog - I have posted a bit but nowhere near as much as I have wanted to.
Get 1 interview up this month - I hadn't had chance to do any questions so these haven't happened yet but keep an eye out for these in the future.
Strip all the wallpaper off in the spare room - Time just hasn't been on our side so this room has been neglected.
Get the decking finished - There are just a few finishing touches then this part of the garden is finally completed.
So that is how terrible I was at reaching last months goals but here are the goals I am aiming for in September...
Film / TV
I will watch 2 new films this month to get through some of the DVD's we own and I definitely will finish Orange Is The New Black.
September is when FIFA comes out so before then I am determined to get 2 games completed either on the PS4 or the Xbox (if it works again). The backlog is getting ridiculous but things are quietening down so fingers crossed I can now sit and game, plus I don't need to go out as often as I do. I am also determined to play a game other than Minecraft on my PC.
I did quite well with my posting last month but throughout September I want to post even more I have so many ideas that I have actually got time to work on at the moment. I am definitely going to get at least 1 interview up this month too as I can actually sort the questions out now. Fingers crossed this also helps me reach some social media goals I have set myself too.
If I manage to the only thing I want to do is make progress in the spare room then things really are coming together in the house. Fingers crossed we may be closer to having a new bathroom too.
So there you have it those are my goals for September what are you hoping to achieve?
See you soon,