The past few years I have really been slacking with my reading which really surprises me as I used to love just sitting down with a good book and losing hours in a different world. This year though I am really hoping to get back into how I used to be and to do this I am going to make a change to my bedtime routine. Instead of spending time laid in bed scrolling through Instagram I am going to lay in bed reading my book instead, fingers crossed that by doing this I will also get a better nights sleep too. So here are some books I am hoping to finish...
Oliver Bowden - Assassin's Creed books
I have actually had these books for quite a long time & have a few more to buy to get caught up on the ones out currently. I think I have had read about 3 pages of the first book but I really need to sit and read them properly. Assassin's Creed is one of my favourite games so hopefully the books have me gripped as much as the games do.
Chuck Wendig - Star Wars Aftermath
Again I got this book years ago as I absolutely love Star Wars. But I ended up buying some football books and this got put on the shelf so I could get my football fix. I don't have a clue what this is about but it is Star Wars so surely it will be good.
Christie Golden - World of Warcraft books
I owned the Rise of the Horde book before me and Liam moved in together but then when we moved in he brought all his books along so we have a nice little collection of World of Warcraft books on our shelves. World of Warcraft is a game that Liam loves but I started getting into last year, I think these are a series of books I could really get into and it may get me playing the game again.
We actually have a few trips coming up this year so lets hope if I take a few books I can just chill out and get through them nice and easy. Hopefully reading books about games or films I like will help me get back into my old reading ways.
See you soon