Last year just as I felt I was getting back on track with my gaming, things took a turn. In the summer we were getting the garden work done so my dad and Liam were out all day working whilst I ended up being taken out for the day to keep out of the way. Granted this was great as I got to spend more time with my family but it meant less time in the games room gaming. Then the weather changed and we decided to get cracking on with the bathroom & the spare room, this meant the games room became a dumping ground for things out of the rooms, we had a sofa bed lent up against the sofa bed we use in the games room, drawers and boxes of toiletries all over. You couldn't get to my desk let alone the consoles so gaming was definitely out of the window.
But we have started off 2020 the correct way, the big jobs are finally done, in fact the upstairs of the house is nearly fully done (until I want to change things in the games room again). This means we have got the games room back and I am already spending plenty of time back in there, most of it has been at my PC blogging but I have managed to get my consoles updated and get a few games of FIFA played. Which got me thinking I want to set aside a lot more time for gaming as I am genuinely missing it, I want to have set days for writing content then the rest of my week after work is for playing games as it should be. This got me thinking the backlog has seriously grown over the past few years so I am going to do my very best to lower this throughout the year and actually beat the story of a few of the games I own. So here are the games I finally want to beat...
Spider-Man - I picked this up in a sale towards then end of last year, with how talked about the game still is I can't wait to give it a go. It has been sat on the shelf collecting dust for far too long so I think this might be the 2nd PS4 game I try to get through so I can finally experience it for myself.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare - This is definitely the first PS4 game I will be aiming to complete the story on. I got this towards the end of last year and I have finally just managed to install it. I love a good Call of Duty campaign so lets see how this one is going to go down. I am really looking forward to playing this.
Sword Art Online : Lost Song- This is a game I have had for absolutely years, I think I played about half an hour of it before picking up a new game. I honestly forgot I had this so I am looking forward to going back and trying again. Sword Art Online is an Anime which me and Liam totally fell in love with and would watch all the time, I just hope the game lives up to the show.
Assassins Creed Unity - I absolutely love Assassins Creed but I am so far behind in terms of actually playing the games, this is because I spend most of my gaming time playing FIFA. Unity is one I haven't even started after all these years but that is definitely going to change this year.
South Park : The Fractured but Whole - This is a game I have started, left for a long time then gone back to. But now I have gone back to it I am totally clueless about what I was meant to be doing or where I was up to. I am very tempted to just totally start a fresh with this game and take it from there, at least then I know what I am doing.
Yooka Laylee - I got this game quite a while ago, in fact it was a gift from my grandparents. I always go to set it installing but then another game comes along and distracts me. I really do want to start & finish this game though and then I can treat myself to the Impossible Lair.
Disneyland Adventures - Another game I have started but haven't got around to completing yet. This game is quite a fun relaxing one for when you just want to go around exploring and play a few mini games. Plus it involves some of my favourite characters so you cant go wrong. I just need to finish it now no more getting distracted dancing with characters.
The Witcher 3 - This one is all thanks to good old Netflix. I am loving the show but all it is making me want to do is try the game. This has definitely been in the backlog for more than 3 years as I got it whilst I was at my previous job so I don't know why I have been putting this game off for so long.
Titanfall 2 - A game I tried to get through last year but unfortunately didn't happen due to all the work going on in the house. From what I have played so far I am really enjoying the game, fingers crossed this year is the year I can get it finished.
Let's go Pikachu - This was the very first Switch game we got and I am still nowhere near the end of the story of the game. It is annoying me too as I am loving this game I just keep forgetting to get back into it. With a few trips coming up this year plus hopefully plenty of other free time fingers crossed I can play the Switch more and get this game finished.
Mutant Football League - I bought this out of my birthday money in September but still haven't got around to playing it. I am really looking forward to trying out this parody game and will hopefully have a post about it coming your way very soon.
I definitely have plenty of gaming to keep me going here and hopefully I can power through these games and it will help me get back into gaming like I was towards the start of last year. Plus it means plenty more reviews for you.
I have said this before but I am really going to try stick to this (it should be easier now we have stopped shopping every weekend) I aren't going to buy any games for the PS4 or Xbox until I have crossed some off my backlog. There is no point wasting my money any more and when I do get around to buying the game it will hopefully have dropped down in price.
What games do you want to cross off your backlog this year?