Christmas is fast approaching and this year I am only asking for things that I really need or are actually going to be useful. For so many years I have asked for things for the sake of it but that isn't happening anymore as I am sick of the house been cluttered for no reason what so ever. This year we have spent a lot of time indoors and to be honest it has made me realise more what I like and what I wanted to add to what I own. It has been spent in comfy clothing and a lot of time has been in the games room so here is what has made it onto my 2020 Christmas wish list.
Xbox Gift Pack
I saw this Xbox gift pack when in my local Game store recently and I love it. You get quite a bit in it for a reasonable price and that notebook would definitely come in handy for me blogging. Plus we could definitely use some coasters for the games room. This would definitely be a great gift for any Xbox fan and one I would love to own.
Xbox Hoodie
I have a lot of PlayStation merchandise but my Xbox merchandise is seriously lacking as it has been quite hard to find in the UK previously but Primark have a really nice Xbox hoodie in at the moment so that is right up there on the wish list.
PlayStation Pyjamas
Just like wanting to be comfortable with the hoodie I would also love to have some PlayStation pyjamas which I have seen in the likes of Asda here in the UK. When I have seen these instore they seem like they are really comfortable which will be perfect as I plan to spend far too long gaming away on my PS5 when I receive it.

PlayStation Icon Light
The console set up is definitely lacking something and I think this light could easily add what it needs, a little bit of extra colour. I love these lights as they aren't too big but they make a bit of a statement with the classic PlayStation icons. We have an Ikea unit at the moment and this would look great with it in one of the shelves or on the top.
Tech Accessories Bag
I am currently using a small make up bag to keep my tech accessories in. But I would much rather have a proper bag with its own compartments so that I don't have to spend ages hunting around at the bottom of the make up bag for my memory card. This would be really handy as each morning I could make sure everything was in the bag and easily see if anything was missing by its slot not been filled.
Xbox Mug
This is just a fun gift really as I currently have a few gaming related mugs but none that are to do with the Xbox. With the release of the new consoles there is a lot more options for merchandise out there and a Xbox mug would be a great edition. Who knows I could even co-ordinate it with my gaming sessions.
PlayStation Breakfast Set
Just like with the Xbox mug this is a bit of a novelty gift. How amazing does the bowl and mug combination look and it just brings back memories of the PS1. I can just imagine waking up on a weekend, making my breakfast and just heading into the games room with these and being set for the day.
So there you have it those are the gifts I will either be suggesting to others or treating myself to. What are you hoping to receive this Christmas? Have you asked for anything in particular?