Well I said I wasn't going to spend much in December but I didn't really stick to that as I treated myself to a few items. I said I wasn't going to buy much thanks to Christmas being in December but that didn't really go to plan and I ended up seeing a few bits that I just couldn't leave behind so here is what I picked up...
Growing up I loved the Skulduggery Pleasant books so when I saw a local book shop selling these for 2 for £5 I had to pick them up as they were missing from my collection. I am trying to read the full series of these books so any time I see one I don't already have I will purchase it straight away.
I have been working on my fitness and weight loss in 2020 and had seen fitness boxing for the Switch so I final purchased it to hopefully make some more progress on my weight loss journey by incorporating this into my routine. This should also help me use my Switch more.
Finally at a local market someone was selling these games for £1 so there was no way I was leaving these behind. I have always loved the Crash games so they were an instant buy, I also realised this Harry Potter game was missing from my collection too so that was purchased. With the Wolverine game I have never played this before so maybe now I can give it a go.
So there you have it that is what I purchased throughout December even though I said I wasn't going to buy anything. What is your favourite item from this list?