What We Are Playing (8th January)


Well that is the first week of 2021 done and dusted but surprise surprise we are back in lockdown here in the UK for the time being so there isn't much to do other than sit around blogging and playing games for me which is going to be great for me getting some games completed at long last. I have already managed to get one game complete for the year so I am hoping that I can add to that tally or at least make progress towards it this weekend and into next week. When Liam is home from work no doubt his weekend will be filled with gaming too but what will he be playing? Well lets see....


I made a start on a few games throughout the week and I am hoping to continue playing these over the weekend and into next week. I think I could easily get another game near completion this weekend if I really wanted to. I started Spongebob Squarepants : Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated during the week and really enjoyed it until the Joy Con drift happened but I am hoping to get through a bit more of this at the weekend. I also started Maneater on the PS5 and enjoyed what I played so far so maybe I will have to spend some time with that too.  I have also recently installed Ben There, Dan That on my PC which has been in my backlog and apparently this game doesn't take too long to complete so who knows by Sunday evening this will be done. 


Just like last week I will be sticking to World of Warcraft and Heroes of the Storm as I am really enjoying them at the moment, no doubt Lucy will end up stuck on a game though and I will need to help her out.

What are you playing this weekend?

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