I honestly wasn't expecting to purchase much between my December and January payday's but I have definitely done the opposite of that. There were some purchases I made as they were needed for my blog etc but others are just totally random or treats, so here is what I picked up...
On a trip to the local garden centre I treated me and Liam to a couple of beers because what is a long gaming session without a good beer. I hadn't heard of a few of these before so with them at a reasonable price I wasn't going to leave them. We ended up with 3 each and I can't wait to try them whilst I am sat playing a game.
Just before Christmas Asda reduced all their Christmas t-shirts so I had to pick this up as I am absolutely loving The Mandalorian lately. This was just £6 and I know that this is going to be handy for this Christmas too plus the nephew absolutely loves it.
Whilst in Poundland looking at clothes for the nephew I came across this 2 pack of Star Wars socks for £1, I was a bit skeptical with them being from the kids section but they actually fit me. I am loving this new found information as they have some pretty geeky socks on offer so I think more will be purchased soon.
I have started trying to film reels for my Instagram accounts so I got this phone tripods attachment so I can create the reels without Liam needing to break off what he is doing to help me. This was £8.99 from Amazon and comes with a Bluetooth remote to make shooting content a lot easier for me.
I wanted to pick up some new memory cards to keep content for each blog separate instead of things getting mixed up like it has done previously. It is definitely going to be handy having these as each blog is now going to be separate so I know what I need when it comes to working on content instead of having to scroll through too many files.
Since I purchased my Macbook I have been saying I need to pick up a case but until now I have never got around to ordering one. I picked up this Inateck one from Amazon and I love the quality of it, the case is the perfect size for my Macbook so it is less likely to get damaged plus it came with this pouch which is going to be perfect for storing the charger whilst I am out and about.
So that is what I picked up in January what was your favourite purchase of the month?