For so long when I wanted an image from my DSLR on my phone I would end up uploading the image onto my PC then email it to myself which just took absolutely forever. I knew I wanted to speed the process up mainly for getting content up on my Instagram and other social media channels a whole lot quicker. As I am an iPhone user I treated myself to the Apple Lightening to SD card reader for £29 and honestly I wish I had picked this up a lot sooner.
Even though there are cheaper options out there I went for the official Apple option just to be on the safe side so I knew it would definitely work with my phone, which it does perfectly. At £29 it is on the pricey side but honestly with how quickly I have managed to do things now it is certainly worth the purchase in my opinion. All I need to do is plug the dongle into my phone, put in my memory card, head to the photos and click import at the most it takes a minute depending on how many images I have to transfer which when we are at the football can often be a lot.
When I was making the purchase I was a bit worried that when it arrived the dongle would actually be a bit too bulky when it is connected to my phone however that isn't the case at all. The length of the wire on the device is perfect as it doesn't hang too low and it is nice and thick too so it is sturdy and not swinging around with my memory card in it. In terms of the actually bit for the memory card, it is the perfect size for the SD card with only a little bit of the SD card exposed there isn't too much excess material at all. It is quite lightweight too which is always handy because with it being on my phone I don't want that any heavier in my hand that it needs to be especially when my hands are frozen and the football.
I have found that thanks to this simple device I am actually using my DSLR a lot more meaning image quality is much better on my images for a change. It also means I haven't wasted almost £400 on a camera I barely use which is perfect. I have a little tech bag now with all my accessories in and to be honest as I head out I make sure that I have this with me straight away as I don't want to leave it behind especially if I am heading to the football with my DSLR. This has mainly been bought for when we got to the women's football as it means on the games I am reporting on once Liam has taken pictures I can upload them straight to my Instagram at half time or full time, unfortunately we haven't managed to use it for this at the moment thanks to the pandemic situation but I can't wait to be able to instantly upload whilst we are at the game and on our way home so the content is fresh and on time.
If you do want an item like this to help speed up your content transfers I would highly recommend this if you are an Apple user as the £29 is worth it as I know I am going to get plenty of use out of it. If you aren't an Apple user but want something like this then definitely have a look on Amazon to see what options are available for your device as this is definitely beneficial especially if you use a DSLR for your Instagram content, Liam managed to find a good one for his Razer phone on there that is helping him transfer images a lot quicker too, let me know if you want to see a review on that one day.
I am really looking forward to using this even more in the future and discovering other accessories that are going to help me with my content creation in the future. 2021 is definitely the year I want to really look into tech a lot more and cover it on here so this is a great place to start as it is so beneficial. Do you have a favourite accessory that helps speed up your content creation or every day tasks?