Recent Achievements 2021 #4

Since the last recent achievements post I have managed to finally complete Bugsnax and Liam has managed to get started on two games, one on the PlayStation and one on the Xbox Series X. Granted with things opening up again in the UK I have spent more time out and about than playing games plus my motivation for gaming recently has decreased but between the two of us we have managed to pick up quite a few achievements and trophies so here is what they were... 


I finally managed to complete my play through of Bugsnax and I am pretty impressed with how many trophies I picked up without actually aiming for them, looking back on the trophy list I am actually close to ticking a few others off but for now I won't be going back to this game for a while as I am ready to play something different. It surprised me how easy it was to just come across trophies without having to actively aim for them. 

 Red Dead Redemption 2 

Liam has been making good progress with his play through of Red Dead Redemption 2 and to be honest he's already picked up more trophies than I thought he would. I am actually enjoying watching him play this game as I know it isn't a game I would play myself but watching it is great. I wonder how many more achievements he is going to end up getting before his play through is over and done with. 

Borderlands 3 

Liam has literally only just started playing Borderlands 3 at long last and he seems to be powering through the game and is spending longer on it each day than I actually expected. He is actually managing to pick up plenty of achievements through this play through too and to be honest I am getting sick of seeing achievement notifications coming through on my phone as they are becoming more and more frequent. It is just really nice to see he is enjoying the game though and I think there is going to be even more Borderlands 3 achievements in the next update post. 

I am hoping that my motivation for gaming has now returned and that next month there will be more trophies & achievements that I have earned rather than them all being Liam's. There are plenty of games I am working my way through and I can't wait to get going again.

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