Well it is safe to say it has been a while since you have read one of these posts but honestly I have had time away from the blog and gaming due to illness. It was actually nice to take a step back to recover as it has meant I have come back with a clearer mind and wanting to take things in different directions that I possibly wouldn't have thought about if I was going full steam ahead like I was before I got ill. No gaming has sucked a bit though as it has meant I am really slacking on my backlog challenge for the year as I have basically missed a month which has thrown me off track. I am hoping now that I am going in a bit of a different direction and clearing some time for myself though this is really going to change and I am going to power through my backlog like I should be doing. Enough talk of that for now though, now that the Euro's are coming to an end there is more time to be playing games and here is what we are both planning on playing this weekend...
With me being ill and the Euro's being on gaming has disappeared off the radar but with only a haircut and the Euro final planned for this weekend gaming is definitely back on the cards. I am definitely going to make a good start on Super Lucky's Tale this weekend as it has been a long time coming and I am hoping to get this finished by the end of the week, so fingers crossed that can happen. I am also hoping to put more time into Let's Go Pikachu too as the recent Pokemon post I have written has really put me back in the mood to play Pokemon again and I can just relax anywhere and play this game.
I haven't been ill but have just been sticking to playing World of Warcraft lately which again I am going to play a lot of over the course of the weekend. When I aren't playing that though I will be jumping back into Borderlands 3 which I am still absolutely loving. Other than that I will just be watching the Euro final with Lucy so it is definitely a gaming filled weekend for me.
So there you have it that is what are gaming time is going to be filled with over the weekend fingers crossed we both make progress through our games. But what are you playing?