It is another long weekend for me and Liam but it certainly isn't a quiet one as we are at the football on Saturday & Sunday then we are staying up to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday evening which means Monday will mostly be spent catching back up on sleep. Even though it is looking like a busy one we are both hoping that we can make some times to play some games as we have been really enjoying what we have been playing lately. It is safe to say we are going to be playing a mixture of games between us so here is what we are planning on playing...
I need to try stay awake for the whole of the Super Bowl so I think I will be playing plenty of games & doing some blogging to help me stay awake later than usual. I am really enjoying playing my Switch recently so I will be continuing to play Grapple Dog which is a newly released game I have been sent to review (full review of that will be coming very soon) I am really enjoying this game so I am hoping to make plenty of progress through it this weekend. When I aren't playing Grapple Dog I am hoping to play through a bit more of Guardians of the Galaxy as I haven't played that for a while now and I really want to play a lot more of this, I think I am less than half hour into it at the moment so I have a long way to go with this one.
I am going to be jumping in and out of the usual Football Manager 22 & World of Warcraft as I still can't get enough of these games although most of my time is now filled with Pokemon Arceus which I have absolutely loved since I started the game. I would say most of my gaming time lately has been spent on Pokemon and I can't see that changing over the weekend as I am enjoying it so much.
So there you go that is what we are planning on playing over the weekend, let's hope everything goes to plan and we can get through as much gaming as possible and that I can stay awake for the full Super Bowl. I think it is safe to say most of my gaming is going to happen on Friday evening and Sunday evening and I can't wait.
What are you playing this weekend?