That whole idea of saving money in February didn't exactly go to plan as I went a bit overboard on a specific theme which you will see later on in this post. I definitely tried to reign in the spending towards the end of the month but again that didn't go to plan and I am a bit frustrated that I haven't got as much going into my savings as I would have hoped but at the same time I am loving everything I picked up...

I haven't purchased a onesie in a long time but my auntie has treated me to a new Chicago Bulls one and I love it. This is nice and soft and fits nicely. It has come at the right time too as it is still really cold here in the UK and I am going to have some time at home very soon so I can see me basically living in this whilst playing my games.

My auntie also got me and my nephew matching PlayStation hats as they had been reduced to just £1 at our local Primark and the best part is I have realised it will go perfectly with my PlayStation sweatshirt that I have had for a while now.
Now we are onto the items for the theme that I have got hooked on, thanks to there being a lot of talk about Pokemon lately my love for the franchise has come back with vengeance and I am hooked once again. My mum took my nephew to a soft play centre mid month and sent me a picture of the Pokemon soft toys they had in the garden centre she had to cut through. Of course I had to ask her to pickup a Scorbunny & Sobble and I am glad I did as they are brilliant.
I think me finding about the Pokemon Center UK website might be a big mistake as I some how managed to convince Liam to make an order. I really wanted this Chimchar so I am really glad to add him to my ever growing Pokemon soft toy collection. Liam then got himself a Ditto and Cyndaquil however, I love these two that much he is said they are now to share. The worst part is I have seen so many others on the site I want to purchase.
The big reason the Pokemon love came back though was all the hype surrounding the release of Pokemon Legends Arceus. Of course I had to purchase this on release day however, I haven't played it yet as I am planning on saving it for when I have my period of time at home. Liam has been playing it a lot lately and seems to be really enjoying it so I am really looking forward to making a start on it.
So there you go that is everything I picked up throughout February, I think if I can just stay away from Pokemon items in March I should be able to save quite a bit of money for the month so fingers crossed that happens. I am quite impressed with everything I picked up in February though.