September 2022 New In

Well September has been and gone in a flash, not that I can complain though as it was definitely a fun filled month with plenty going on. We had my birthday which was celebrated for basically a full week, all the football I love watching has returned and honestly I have just barely spent any time at home throughout September there was always something happening. I really thought that I had managed to control my spending but in reality I have spent way more than I should have once again meaning my bank account really didn't like me. So here is what I purchased throughout September, spoiler there are some very random purchases...

First up is a very random purchase that I got out of my birthday money in the end. I have been telling myself I need to learn to switch off more so I am hoping that by purchasing this football colouring book I will actually spend time on an evening relaxing rather than having millions of things going round in my head. The added bonus is that this actually has some of my favourite female players in it too.

When I got the colouring book I came across these two kids books and without a second thought I ended up going and purchasing them, it definitely helped they were on 3 for 2 with the colouring book too. I am really looking forward to sitting down to read these as again they surprisingly feature things from the women's game which is always a bonus for me. The football book collection is growing nicely now.

Spooky season is upon us and on a trip to B&M I came across this set of pumpkins and I really couldn't resist them for just £5. You get 8 in here and they are going to be a nice little addition to the house for the spooky season. The question now though is do I have them in the living room or the games room, or should I do half in each?

Did I get this expensive magazine just for one interview? Of course I did. Leah Williamson has been one of my favourite footballers for a while now and my admiration for her as a player has only grown since the Euro win this summer, I am really looking forward to sitting down and reading her interview in this magazine as I have heard some great things about it from people who have already read it.

I know realise I really didn't need this Rocket Raccoon backpack however, I just couldn't resist it in the end and I have to say secretly I am really glad I decided to treat myself to this item. Rocket is by far one of my favourites from the Marvel universe but the thing that sold me was the fluffy ears and the tail keychain detail, I just love them. Now I just need the rain to disappear so that I can get some use out of it.

Now I have to say I think this is the best purchase of the month as it is practical and I actually had a good reason to buy it. The spare room is now a home office area for me and I mainly use it for creating content for Edge of the Area, my football website. This Kallax unit was from Ikea and it is perfect for me to display my football on plus when it comes to finding one to wear I have much easier access now although I have to admit this is only around 50% of the collection on here. The top holds some of my favourite football items and I can safely say it is going to be the perfect backdrop for some upcoming projects.

Oops the Christmas purchases have begun already and I am not even sorry. I was going to get these pyjamas last year for me and Liam but they were unfortunately sold out by the time I decided I definitely wanted to purchase them. This year though I wasn't making the same mistake and as soon as I saw them I got us both a pair. It is safe to say Liam isn't happy about the thought of wearing them but to be honest I really can't wait. 

So there you have it that is what I bought throughout the month of September, I am really hoping for a better month in October, hopefully one where I can stick to my budget better alongside mainly buying gifts for others for Christmas and a few birthdays I have coming up. I really don't think there was any thought process behind 99% of Septembers purchases so I am going to have to think before I buy in October so I aren't just wasting money. 

What was your favourite purchase in September?

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