How did the 2022 backlog challenge go?


Well I said at the start of the year I was going to spend more time in 2022 gaming and make some good progress through my backlog and lets just be honest you will have noticed I haven't posted much on here or social media and I haven't gamed much either so as you will have guessed my backlog challenge goal of completing 10 games really didn't go to plan and in fact I really failed at the challenge miserably. To be honest there were a few reasons why I didn't get any gaming done this year, one was a case of mentally not been in the right head space to game. I just couldn't sit down and focus on playing anything at times even a simple game of FIFA just wasn't doing it for me either. I think this is down to none of my games at the time really gripping me, there was nothing that I needed to play and I thought I might as well spend my time elsewhere doing something which was a bit more productive rather than sitting and playing something I couldn't really be bothered with, maybe they will grip me one day though. I have to say though the main reason I didn't get anywhere near my challenge goal is that my main focus in 2022 has 100% been the football and the football website. We had a summer of football watching the women's Euros and we were lucky enough to be in Wembley when England lifted that trophy, a moment we will never forget. But even before then any free time was reporting on games, behind the scenes things to grow the site and let's just say football really did consume all our 'free time'. Then I ended up signing up to play football again which meant training and game days which lead to even more free time disappearing, meaning gaming just got pushed even further back. I think this lead to me not having that motivation to game as I was getting a bit burnt out and add in focusing on my fitness & weight loss journey there just wasn't enough hours in the day. 

The year started off well though in terms of gaming as by February I had completed two games and they were pretty amazing games. I started the year of with Guardians of the Galaxy on the PS5 and WOW I was absolutely hooked, I really did binge this game and loved every second of my time playing it. I loved the game that much I am actually tempted to go back and replay it at some point as it is so good. Not long after completing Guardians I actually completed Tell Me Why, this game was another one that had me hooked, I absolutely love games like this so I couldn't put the controller down in fact I stayed up far too late to get it completed as I just couldn't wait for the next day to see how the ending played out. Those are the only two games I actually managed to complete in the whole of the year as once February was over gaming got less and less due to the reasons I mentioned earlier. I did play a lot of Cars 3 Driven to Win though and I haven't fully completed this however, I am classing it as out of the backlog as I have done as much as I possibly can on it and I think it is time to move onto something new as I was playing this on and off for quite a few months. 

Brothers : A tale of two sons is a game I started in 2022 but gave up on in the final chapter as I was just getting far too frustrated with it, I was playing this on my gaming laptop which is getting a bit old now and I had nothing but issues with it. I was getting kicked out of the game, it was crashing and updates randomly kicked in or my laptop just went far too slow. I got so close to the end of this game however, I just couldn't do it anymore. I might be saving for a solution to my lack of gaming PC however, we will have to see for that but if I do I will go back and try get this completed in the future as I was so close to it. 

I am a bit frustrated with myself for not balancing my time better so that I could have got better results in this challenge in 2022 but I am hopeful that I can make changes to my daily routine so I can balance my time much better and hopefully that gaming motivation comes back and I can smash my new backlog challenge for 2023 but more on that in another post. I suppose I can't complain too much with 2022's backlog as I guess I still had a fantastic year football wise that is something I might not experience anytime soon like I did in 2022. 

How did you do in terms of gaming in 2022? Did you complete as many games as you hoped to?

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