January 2025 Pay Day Wish List

Here we go the first pay day of 2025 and the first pay day wish list of the year. Going forward I am hoping these will be a monthly thing to hold me accountable when it comes to my spending and make sure I am only picking up things I really want or what will make life easier as I plan to save money rather than spend in 2025. This year the plan is to tackle the backlog and save money rather than buying things just to sit gathering dust, the reason for all the saving is that we are planning on doing up a lot of the house which is going to be quite costly and we also want to do work in the garden and as we are finding out nothing is cheap these days. I might be saving but I can't go cold turkey with spending as there are some bits I am really wanting to pick up so every month I am setting myself a bit of a 'treat' budget to allow those little purchase that might just be for fun or might make life a bit easier going forward.

Each month I will be doing these pay day wish lists with just a few items on that I am allowing myself to use the budget for, this means when I am spending money I am spending it on things I really want rather than getting for the sake of it, granted I may not get every item on the list each month but I may get a few and roll some over into future months or I might change my mind altogether and no longer want an item off the list. So here is what is on the first wish list of the year...

Put money into my gaming PC savings

The first thing I am hoping to do is add some money straight into my gaming PC savings pot. I am determined that by the end of 2025 I will have a whole new gaming PC set up and if I want this to happen I am going to need to knuckle down and keep adding to this savings pot. It might not be hundreds being added this month but every little helps and the money will soon start to add up.

Pokemon figure

Liam got me one of the Pokemon mood figures for Christmas and I absolutely love it. The plan is to slowly grow my figure collection from the Pokemon Centre so I would love to add another one from my first wage of the year. I will admit though I am absolutely spoilt for choice and don't know which one to pick up next. 

Pokemon Cards

I really want to pick up a new ETB with this months wage. I haven't bought any cards for a long time and the itch is definitely back to make a purchase. I want 2025 to be the year where I start building my card collection up again so I might as well make a start on it as soon as possible, I just don't know which I want to pick up.

Life is Strange : Double Exposure

It is a surprise that it has taken me this long to get this game as I absolutely the franchise but up until now I just couldn't justify getting the game as I knew it would take me a while to get around to playing it. Now that I know I am planning more time at home though I think it is about time I picked this up and had a good play through it. Granted it will distract me from my backlog challenge but it will definitely be worth it to experience one of my favourite franchises once again.

New shelf for my Pokemon items

We really need to add a new shelf into the games room if we plan on growing the Pokemon collection. I need somewhere to store the cards I get and put in binders but I also need somewhere for all these figures that I am planning on buying. I have the perfect space for a new shelf it is just a case of getting out and buying one and actually putting it straight on to the wall.

Frame for cover artwork

I won some little artwork pieces ages ago however, we never did get frames for them and decide which to put on the wall. With us making the changes in the games room though now feels like a great time to finally get some frames and get a few of these up on the wall. We can always swap these out from time to time too so we aren't always looking at the same covers, who knows we might even order some more in the future if possible. 

So there you go nice and simple just a few items I am hoping to pick up with January's pay. I am determined to only get things off this list rather than buying for the sake of it as when these renovations are done in the house so much more money will be freed up for future games, the backlog should be massively reduced by then too. 

Now let's see what I should pick up first.

See you soon

TNG Games

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