
So last week me, Liam and his mum went to see the amazing Nickelback. It was such a great day as you can see in the picture above we weren't happy when they neared the end of the set as we wished it could go on forever.

Nickelback are definitely a marmite band you either love them or you have them. Us lot for sure love them. I am already keeping a close eye on announcements for another tour. This tour saw them play some great his such as animals, far away and my two favourites Lullaby and Something in your mouth. The support we also great I hadn't hear of them until seeing them buy I will be buying their album in the future.

Below are just a few shots I got from the concert to show how close we were. We must have only been about 5 people away from the stage.

As I have said I can't wait to see them again as they are by far one of my favourite bands. Who are some bands you like to see live? Let me know in the comments below.

Feel free to contact me any time I would love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me on,

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See you later,


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